Go to Pyay - Prome - and find an hotel in Pyay (Burma
- Myanmar ) |
Pyay is situated 4h30 drive north of Yangon.
It is a usual night stop when you are driving to/from Bagan
(Pyay journey - Bagan: 9 hours).
Tourists stay rarely more of one night in Pyay whichis a pity.
Several sites are interesting around Pyay (in addition to
the city itslef)).
- The archaeological sites of the Pyu dynasty.
- The Buddha sculpture in the cliffs overhanging the Irrawaddy
river. This destination is very little known by the tourist
guidesor even completely unknown. It is an half day very nice
excursion by car and them by boat (cf photos).
- The pagoda of Pyay.
- The only Buddha image with golden glasses and many other
very interesting pagodas around Pyay.
We recommend to stay 2 nights in Pyay.
The first night while arriving from Bagan or Yangon, the second
after your day of visit of Pyay and before leaving toward
Yangon or Bagan.
How to go Pyay (Prome)?
The easiest is either the bus, or a private
car from Yangon (5 hours) or Bagan (10 hours).
Going to Yangon from Bagan via Pyay is a very good solution.
The journey from Bagan is not very long (10h) and on the way,
you can visit Sale, Magway and villages in the "dry zone
area". You will also discover the petrol wells constructed
by the British in the beginning of the century.
To choose a hotel has Pyay (Prome)
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