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Petit Futé

Theravada Buddhist monk at Bago at the forest monastery (Myanmar)

Theravada Buddhist monk  at Bago at the forest monastery (Myanmar)

Buddhism shapes completely the Burmese society. This Buddhist monk
belongs to the Theravada Buddhism , called on a very pejorative way,
the "small vehicle ". Théravada means " language of the ancient". Théravada
Buddhism is very strict and conforms itself solely to the teachings dispensed
2 500 years by Buddha and unaltered until now. This monk is one of the
strictest representatives and follower of the Théravada teaching. It is
possible for a foreigner to learn meditation in specialized centers or to
follow a teaching in a monastery. Ananda Travel Yangon helps you
freely to find a center of meditation or one

Bago - Myanmar (Burma) - 1999
(photo Ananda Travel Yangon)
