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Petit Futé

couchez soleil irrawaddy

Rv Pandaw: The royal capitals cruise - Mandalay and beyond to Bagan on the Irrawwady river - Burma

Cruise from November 2010 to April 2011

- Departure from Mandalay only Sunday.
- Arrival at Bagan : Wednesday.
- Cruise : Mandalay -Kyauk Myaung -Mingun- Amarapura- Sagaing - Ava - Yandabo - Bagan

Day 1 - Sunday
- The embarkation time is at 12h00 at Gawein jetty.
- Welcome cocktail in the saloon.
- Sail upstream and moor overnight at a river village north of Mandalay.

Day 2

- Visit of the spectacular pottering making village of Kayuk Myaung.
- Lunch will be served at 12h00.
- Cruise back downstream to Mingun (ETA 14h00)
- Visit of Mingun.
- Continue downstream to Mandalay, travel by coach to Amarapura, visit of U Bein bridge
- Moor overnight at Sagaing..
- After dinner, guests can enjoy a dance and drama performance by the Mandalay Arts Schools on the sundeck.

Day 3

- Sunrise over Sagaing Hill.
- After breakfast passengers can go ashore to visit Sagaing with the assistance of the ship manager or with their guide.
- After Sagaing visit, travel by coach to Ava, capital of the Burmese Kingdom from 1364 to 1841.
- The cast off time is at 11h15.
- The cast off time is at 11h or 11h30, lunch will be served at 13h00. All day cruise.
- In the late afternoon, the boat stop at Yandabo, a village specialize in pot making where the peace treaty of the first
Anglo Burmse war was signd on Feb. 24 2826.
- Moor overnight near the village of Shwe Nann Tint.

Jour 4
- Early in the morning, the boat proceed downriver to Bagan. After breakfast (if time permits), we visit an other typical village.
- Sunrise near Bagan, passengers disembark at Bagan Aye Yar Jetty around 10h00 (arrival time may change due to water level in the river).

Cruise from November 2010 to April 201 : 3 nights on board.

RCO 13 PD 28/11/2010 1/12/2010 Pandaw   RC 123 PD 13/02/2011 16/02/2011 Pandaw
RCO 23 PD 5/12/2010 8/12/2010 Pandaw   RC 133 PD 20/02/2011 23/02/2011 Pandaw
RCO 33 PD 12/12/2010 15/12/2010 Pandaw   RC 143 PD 27/02/2011 2/3/2011 Pandaw
RCO 43 PD 19/12/2010 22/12/2010 Pandaw   RC 153 PD 6/3/2011 9/3/2011 Pandaw
RCO 53 PD 26/12/2010 29/12/2010 Pandaw   RC 163 PD 13/03/2011 16/03/2011 Pandaw
RCO 63 PD 2/1/2011 5/1/2011 Pandaw   RC 173 PD 20/03/2011 23/03/2011 Pandaw
RCO 73 PD 9/1/2011 12/1/2011 Pandaw   RC 183 PD 27/03/2011 30/03/2011 Pandaw
RCO 83 PD 16/01/2011 19/01/2011 Pandaw   RC 193 PD 3/4/2011 6/4/2011 Pandaw
RCO 93 PD 23/01/2011 26/01/2011 Pandaw   RC 203 PD 10/4/2011 13/04/2011 Pandaw
RC 103 PD 30/01/2011 2/2/2011 Pandaw   RC 213 PD 17/04/2011 20/04/2011 Pandaw
RC 113 PD 6/2/2011 9/2/2011 Pandaw   RC 223 PD 24/04/2011 27/04/2011 Pandaw


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