Photo, Books, maps, Burmese language, Theravada
buddhism, meditation, Myanmar |
Cultural guide book
- Culture shock : Times edition de
Saw Myat Yin (couverture noire). 200 pages very complete and very informative pages on the Burmese culture . We recommend it.
- Does Don't in Myanmar : Book promotion Edition, 120 pages. Simple and playful presentation. Less complete than the precedent but it gives you a good preview of the culture of the Myanmar.
These 2 small books are easy to find at the Bangkok airport.
Dictionary, Burmese language,
- Burmese phrasebook : Lonely Planet language survial kit. ISBN0-86442-341-1. Very convenient small pocket guide in English and Burmese. You can order it without problem on the site of Lonely Planet. You will find it easily in Yangon.
Photos books
- Burmach : Ap photographic Journey 1855-1925
Noel Singer. Kiscadale publication. ISBN 1-870838-26-2 Interesting black and white photos of Burma at the beginning of the last century. You will find it easily in Yangon and Bagan.
- The Buddhist Murals of Bagan par Claudine
Bautze-Picron.Very interesting compilation of the most beautiful wall paintings of Bagan with a multitude of historic explanation . A pity that the impression of the photos is not so good. Take it absolutely with you when you visi Bagan. You will find it more easily in Bangkok than in Yangon.
- Peuple du Triangle d'Or :
Paul et Elaine Lewis. Editions Olizane. ISBN 2-88086-032-6. Very interesting book on the tribes from the golden Triangle, their inhabitants, rituals.... You can find it in English and French.
Buddhism related books
Our Buddhism pages includes a list of Internet site and books that we recommend l for an approach of the Buddhism and especially of Theravada Buddhism .
Buddhist books :
Novels, history
- Burma : The longest war 1941-45
par Louis Allen (in English) ISBN 1-84212-260-6. A little too much detailled book about the Burmese war.
-Strengthening civil society in Burma
(collectif). ISBN 974-7100-908. In English, published
in 1999. Very interesting, even if the book does not cope
with the pace on Myanmar moving society..
-Le Rire de la terre : New Burmese anthology, in French and Burmese. L'Asiathèque
- The River of the Lost Foosteps by Than Myint-U. Ed FSG - livre en Anglais. ISBN 13-978-0-374-16342-6. History of Burma mainly from 1888 to 2005. Very interesting by book by the grand son of U Than, former General Secretary of UN. A Must to read.

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