Very short history
The Buddha was a man, not a god, nor a spirit, but a man who really lived in the north of India about 2 500 years ago.
His father was the king of the Sakyas kingdom and his mother was the queen Maya.
Married very young (16 years)to Yasodhara, he lived in the most absolute luxury until the age of 29 years.
Shortly after the birth of his son Rahula, het abandoned its kingdom and becomes an ascetic in search of the ultimate truth.
During 6 years, he follow the teaching of the best meditation master in India while assimilating their teaching with rapidly.
He decided that none of them had found of answer his quest and undertook to search himself the Truth.
At 35 years old, after a last night of meditation, Gotama Buddha reached the enlightment and becomes the Buddha (the awaken one).
He then preached during more of 45 years before dying Kusinara at 80 years old.
PS: For details far more complete, we recommend you the excellent book :Le Bouddha historique :L'époque,
la vie et les enseignements de Gotama de Hans Wolfgang Schumann.
(cf liens

Theravada Buddhism
The Theravada Buddhism is the oldest Buddhism school, whose teaching comes directly from Buddha's words.
Theravada means in pali language (language of the teaching of the Buddhism) " doctrine of the elder". This doctrine has first been taught orally, transcribes then in writing. All Theravada texts are gathered in the TIPITAKA (Tripitaka in Sanskrit) or " 3 baskets ".
Tripitaka is composed of 3 teaching "books" :
Vinaya : all the disciplinary rules of the follower of Buddha (monk, nun, laymen)
- Sutta
Pitaka : All the sutta (preach) that Buddha tauch to people.,
- Abhidhamma
Pitaka : take care of the phylosophical aspect of the Buddhism.
Un excellent
article (en anglais) de John Bullit explique clairement l'histoire du Bouddhisme
Theravada. Cliquez
Here (ouverture d'une nouvelle page) et les principes de bases.
mort de Bouddha : Mahaparinibbana
Beaucoup de controverses
existent quant à la cause de la mort de Bouddha. Certains mettent en cause
la teneur du dernier repas servis par Cunda pour expliquer la dysenterie fatale
qui emporta Buddha.
Au-delà des conflits sur la teneur de ce repas,
nous vous proposons la lecture d'un article extrêmement intéressant
paru dans le Bangkok Post ( du 17 mai 2000.
Cet article
(assez long et en anglais) écrit par le Vénérable
Dr Mettanando apporte un point de vue original sur la cause de la mort
de Bouddha, qui nous le rappelons n'était qu'un homme qui a découvert
la Voie de la libération et l'a enseignée à ses congénères.
Lire L'article